ABV Team Connect with Fitzroy Valley Community

Last week, the ABV Team headed to Broome to bring together our second cohort of Mentors and Martu community members for our Martu Business mentoring program. Seeing the mentors and the Fitzroy Valley community members visioning, innovating, planning and gaining momentum was exciting for our team.

"Once again, we were blown away by the talent, determination, and beautiful business ideas amongst the Martu community members," said Anna Durward, Senior Program Manager.

We thank our mentors, Liz, Martin, and Ross, for joining Anna, Oscar Mussons and Garth James Preece in Broome for this impactful and insightful trip.

We also extend our gratitude to Newmont Australia (previously Newcrest) for the ongoing partnership, which enables us to continue to walk alongside Martu community members on a pathway to economic self-determination through business.

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