Arup donates skilled expertise to ABV

Our partner, Arup, has been providing technical expertise to our programs in Australia for almost 4 years, and we are beyond grateful for all the knowledge and experience their team brings.

We grow more substantial businesses and local economies to build disaster resilience, and Arup's contribution of highly specialised skills has been invaluable to the communities we serve. This partnership is a commitment to leveraging specialist expertise and delivering it where it's most needed.

Their estimated contribution of more than $100,000 worth of services to our programs is a testament to their dedication to helping communities rebuild and prosper after natural disasters.

The team of Arup specialists, including quantity surveyors, hydrologists, engineers, and environmental scientists, are dedicated to providing their expertise to help communities.

We want to extend a special thank you to Michelle Cheah, Melanie Grills, Trish Sunga, Edward Rowe, Madison Downey, Frankie Coen, Justin Peachey, Michael James, Angel Z., Gaenor Gibbs-Harris, Annabel Kerr, Joshua Atkinson, Vincent Chan Kun Wa and Christopher Serrano for their dedication and expertise. The impact of ABV's mission is amplified due to their contributions.

Image 1 (Header): Michelle Cheah (Arup’s Australasia Community Engagement Manager/Social Impact Leader) at the Cultural Burning Conference 2023 participating in the group brainstorm.

Image: Melanie Grills (Arup’s Associate Principal of First Nations Programs & Projects) and Oscar Mussons (ABV’s Program Director of Australia Programs) signing in participants at the Cultural Burning Conference 2023.

Image 3: Edward Rowe (Arup’s Resilience and Adaptation Lead for NSW/ACT and the Pacific) supported the Cobargo Visioning Workshops with ABV which brought together Cobargo’s community to share ideas and create disaster action plans.

Image 4: Christopher Serrano (Arup Senior Environmental Consultant), Madison Downey (Arup Environmental Scientist), Thanda Bennett and George Barrett (ABV Australia Programs Team) Amanda Foster (Merrimans Local Aboriginal Land Council) meeting.

The Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF) is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments

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