3HCR High Country Radio has received funding from the East Gippsland Community Foundation to purchase new broadcasting equipment and upgrade its technology, and to fund training of local community members who are keen to learn.

This win has come about through the tremendous effort of a team of 3 ABV skilled volunteers: Julienne McKay was the driver behind the grant application, with Nev Blyth providing technical expertise and Rhod McDonald providing operational and strategic advice. The radio’s Committee members also invested a lot of their volunteer time to see this win, including Maureen Webb, seen here accepting the grant cheque.

For a small community building back after the 2019-20 fires, a vibrant community radio station builds social ties and strengthens resilience by providing a hub for information and entertainment, and an outlet for volunteer skills, creativity and listener engagement.

It is very exciting to see the next chapter of 3HCR unfolding, with Julienne, Nev and Rhod continuing their support, and with the addition of a fourth volunteer to help with streaming capabilities. ABV is heartened to see the radio’s Committee members, with their passion, drive and hard work, achieve this milestone, in partnership with the skill and generosity of our ABV volunteers.


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