Australian Business Volunteers
Australian Business Volunteers (ABV) is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to help communities thrive through training and mentoring local businesses. When local businesses grow, the entire community benefits. 
Through a collaborative approach, we blend the expertise of our Skilled Business Professionals (Volunteers), who generously donate their time alongside our expert staff.
Volunteer with ABV

How We Make an Impact

Volunteer hours donated in FY22-23
Entreprenuers, small businesses and not-for-profit organisations supported in FY22-23
Satisfaction score on our Corporate Skill Volunteering programs. A number above 70 is considered world-class.

Our Primary Programs

Community Led Programs
Using a blend of our Skilled Business Professionals who donate their time and our expert staff, ABV co-designs programs that support our partners to achieve their outcomes, fulfil their ethical commitments, and meet their KPIs (such as the SDGs).   Our focus is on meeting the business challenges that small businesses, not-for-profits, or staff within a corporate are experiencing.
Your Enterprise Scheme (YES)
Targeted to build the business skills of existing and emerging business owners, YES is an expertly developed business program delivering the fundamentals of business from business modelling and strategic planning to risk analysis, finance, people management, marketing and pricing strategies, customer service and occupational health and safety.  
Better Business Governance (BBG)
Targeted at company owners and directors, BBG covers the principles of good corporate governance, organisational structures and the duties of Executives. BBG is designed to assist participants in becoming responsible and effective in their roles through one-on-one mentoring tailored to suit individual and business needs from startups to established organisations.
Expert professional development mentoring programs that are collaboratively and responsively designed to ensure the needs of both mentors and mentees are met.

To date, 65% of participants have advanced their careers e.g. appointment to Country Head, senior leadership roles and professional skills development secondment roles.

Corporate Skilled Volunteering (CSV)
ABV’s evidence-based skilled volunteering programs for corporate partners provide immersive projects pairing corporate employees with a social enterprise to support and develop their capacity to solve a business challenge. Tailored to the specific needs of our partners, each program aims to deliver triple benefits for corporates, employees and community partners through leadership development, talent retention and social impact.
Family Money Management Program 
This program has been designed in response to an identified need for families to strengthen skills in planning and saving for the future and seeking advice about money and finance. The program is offered to participants who may have limited exposure to handling cash and offers a gender inclusive approach, encouraging men and women from family groups to participate collaboratively.

Volunteering with ABV

Skilled business volunteers donate time, knowledge, and experience to implement tailored workshops and programs for communities in need of economic assistance and disaster resilience building. We need volunteers with skills in finance, business management, sales, marketing, communications, HR management, project management, grant writing, and business mentoring/coaching.
Defined Success Measures
We design solution based programs with our corporate partners that have agreed and measurable outcomes.
Aligned Goals and Priorities
Our Skilled Business Volunteers are inducted into our programs of work understanding and agreeing to the program goals and outcomes.
Operation Excellence
Our team have the in country and operation knowledge to manage your assignment requirements for all travel arrangements, training and country specifics.
Training and Skill Building
We provide continuing training and support to volunteers so they are knowledgeable to deliver the content of the workshops and mentoring programs.
Feedback Loops
We offer transparent feedback processes for assignment and program improvement.
Continuous Imropvement
We seek advice from our Skilled Business Volunteers to improve the volunteer experience of in country and online assignments, our Volunteers are the heart of our business.
We Are a trusted Partner
Together, with our Skilled Business Professionals (volunteers) we co-design programs that support our partners in achieving their outcomes and fulfilling their ethical commitments.

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ABV is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
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PO Box 514
Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012
+61 412 827 133
Copyright 2024 Australian Business Volunteers.