Braidwood & Villages Business Chamber workshop with ABV on tourism development plan

The Australian Business Volunteers team recently visited Braidwood as a part of their commitment to grow economic resilience in natural-disaster prone regions, empowering businesses to withstand disruptions and continue to thrive in the face of disasters.

This exceptional workshop brought together local business representatives, Chamber members, tourism association leaders, and council officials for the shared purpose of charting the path to boost tourism for Braidwood and surrounding regions.

The workshop called “Developing tourism and investment in Braidwood and Villages”, was held on the 19th of October at Mona Farm and facilitated by Fiona Court (BVBC), our ABV Senior Program Manager and Natascha Wernick, the unshakeable ABV Community Program Development Facilitator.

The workshop featured expert advice– with representatives from of Development West Coast from New Zealand and Bulahdelah Business Chamber of Commerce and Tourism from New South Wales. They shared their success stories in implementing innovative tourism development plans in their regions, inspiring all attendees.

Attendees left the workshop feeling invigorated and with the tools and a plan to help them reimagine Braidwood and Villages tourism offering.

Funding acknowledgement: This project is funded by the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF) which is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments. We acknowledge the support of our partner The Braidwood and Villages Business Chamber.

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