First Nations Entrepreneurship

As an organisation, ABV has been exploring different ways to meaningfully work with First Nations people.

Our community-led principles of deeply listening to the needs of those we engage with become even more relevant when working with First Nations entrepreneurs. 

ABV is committed to the ongoing work of de-colonising our approach to walking with community.

We continually seek advice and guidance from our First Nations partners in the right approach to our work.

Martu Business Development Services

The aim of the Martu Business Development Services program is to facilitate and support the creation of appropriate pathways to economic independence for Martu people, fostering inherent entrepreneurship through improved business skills and knowledge and facilitating access to opportunities and support for business development. 

In its second year, our program focuses on collaborating with Martu communities in the Pilbara and Fitzroy Crossing/Kimberley regions. We engage in diverse sectors, such as small business, civil works, dry hire, mine rehab, seed collecting, art, First Nation fashion, music, cultural awareness, and education. 

Our goal is to foster sustainable development and empowerment within these communities by providing tailored support that addresses their specific needs and aspirations.

Mentorship with Business Volunteers

The ABV program team and volunteers accompany community participants throughout their business journey, from the initial stages through to the launch phase. The ABV team and mentors actively engage with participants in the country, providing hands-on assistance, creating networks, and building trusted relationships.

Martu & Local Communities

In 2002, the Martu were awarded native title rights to over 13.6 million hectares of the Western Desert which is referred to as the Martu native title determination.
Numbers vary during the year but there can be up to 1,000 Martu living in the communities with a further 1,000 living in other localities around the State.
The Martu are traditionally a very transient people who travel frequently.
Martu live in towns and communities across Western Australia – in the Kimberley in Balgo, Wangkajungka, Bayulu, Looma, Yandearra, and Bidyadanga, and in the Pilbara in Jigalong, Irrungadji, Strelley and Warralong, Newman, Pippingarra, and Port Hedland.


Meet the Team

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Brigitte White 

Senior Program Manager (WA)

Garth Preece

Program Coordinator (WA)

Sharon Bieundurry

Martu Liason


Martu Liason

Recent Updates and Stories

27 March 2024
Mentoring Relationships - First Nations Artists

Meet Corina Jadai, a proud Martu woman from the Broome region of Western Australia.  Since joining our program in 2023, Corina has been thriving under the guidance of her amazing volunteer mentor, Liz Reece. Corina is an incredibly talented creative who has found success in the fields of art and graphic design. Currently, she is venturing into […]

12 January 2024
A Special Christmas on Martu Country, Western Australia

The ABV team were fortunate enough to be on Martu country throughout December supporting Newmont Australia Telfer with their Christmas celebrations. Newmont Telfer holds yearly festive events for Martu communities with plenty of food and a special visit from Santa to deliver presents to local schools. A dedicated team wrapped over 500 presents for delivery to the […]

4 December 2023
ABV Team Connect with Fitzroy Valley Community

Last week, the ABV Team headed to Broome to bring together our second cohort of Mentors and Martu community members for our Martu Business mentoring program. Seeing the mentors and the Fitzroy Valley community members visioning, innovating, planning and gaining momentum was exciting for our team. "Once again, we were blown away by the talent, […]

5 October 2023
Martu Business Development Program Update - Wangkatjunka and Yunggora Communities

Anna Durward and Natascha Wernick from Australian Business Volunteers (ABV) and Daniel Tincknell from Newcrest Mining had an enriching trip last week, building relationships with Martu community members and Marra Worra Worra Aboriginal Corporation in the Fitzroy Crossing area. Marra Worra Worra is the largest First Nations resource agency in Kimberly. Over its 41-year history, Marra Worra Worra has assisted First Nations people in […]

21 September 2023
First Trip for our Martu Business Development Mentors!

A crucial aspect of our Martu Business Development Program involves implementing a mentoring initiative that aligns with community cultural values and business ambitions.  Last week, our dedicated Volunteer Mentors, Sue McCosker, Pascal Labouze, and Chris Maddock, travelled to Newcrest Telfer mine, in remote Western Australia with Anna Durward our Senior Program Manager, to personally engage with the Martu community members, marking the commencement […]

5 September 2023
New Collaboration on First Nations Program!

Expanding on our successful partnership in Lihir, Papua New Guinea, alongside Newcrest, we are thrilled to unveil a fresh collaboration as part of our First Nation Business Development Program in Western Australia. Together, Newcrest Mining and ABV are dedicated to empowering the Martu community by enhancing businesses and nurturing entrepreneurial spirit. Our approach remains firmly rooted in […]


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