Blooming Business Futures Likely for Martu with ABV Support – Desmond’s Story

The Martu Business Development Services program, supported by Australian Business Volunteers (ABV), is aimed at creating pathways to economic independence for Martu people through improved business skills, knowledge and facilitating access to opportunities and support to realise their business vision.

Sponsored by Newmont, the program is now in its second year. Senior Program Manager Brigitte White and Program Coordinator Garth Preece, together with Martu Liaison leaders Sharon Bieundurry and Noeletta Lee, work with volunteers skilled in business and industry.

Together, they bring business development, education and open-up networks to Martu communities in the Western Desert and Fitzroy Valley/Kimberley regions.

The ABV program team and volunteers work alongside Martu community participants throughout their business journey, starting from the initial ideas stages through to preparing for the launch of their businesses.

The program also offers educational opportunities in financial literacy and developing the skills necessary for starting and operating a business. 

The team works across diverse sectors, such as small business, civil works, dry hire, mine rehabilitation, seed collecting, First Nations fashion and art, music, cultural awareness, and education.

The team works closely with Newmont Telfer’s Social Performance team, and industry stakeholders and organisations such as Money Mob Talkabout Limited, Ngurra Kujungka and Indigenous Business Australia to create networks and support for businesses in the region.

Indigenous Business MonthNewmont Australia#IndigBizMonth #10yearsofIBM #MakingOurMark

Image above: Left to Right – Brigitte White (ABV, Senior Program Manager), Desmond Taylor (Martu Artist), Daniel Tincknell (Newmont Telfer, Manager Social Performance), Sabino Andriani (Newmont Telfer, Superintendent Social Performance

See Desmond's latest exhibition with Helen Seiver here: 2024 | another way Helen Seiver

another way is the culmination of a unique collaboration and the coming together of distinct yet indelibly connected life experience.

For the past four years, Desmond Taylor and Helen Seiver have worked together on a profound artistic journey of forgiveness and healing. Together, they have sat on country at Nullagine in the Pilbara. They have talked, performed rituals and collaborated on artwork. They have learnt from each other, leant on each other and gradually walked together toward another way; a sensitive and perceptive way forward that gently disrupts the bonds of colonial determination.

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