NSW Program Data and Highlights

Key program highlights and impact numbers from our NSW Program which has ended after 22 months of supporting the communities in the Snowy Valleys and the South Coast of NSW.

ABV is exploring how to continue supporting NSW communities. We have helped community organisations with business plans, sustainability scoping and disaster preparedness.

Volunteer Hours

Program Highlights

  • ABV developed an emergency management operations plan for the South Coast Community Kitchen.
  • Delivered Big Map planning exercise in Tumbarumba and Eden. The Tumbarumba community has held two community workshops using the Big Maps. Eden Community Access Centre has used the Big Map as an ongoing community resource.
  • Arup and ABV developed an access road plan for Merrimans Local Aboriginal Land Council for better response during emergencies.  
  • Created a feasibility and strategic plan for Moruya Compost Club.Business support for Araluen Federal Hall as they reestablished the hall as a central event space.
  • Tourism corridor planning for Braidwood and and held a Tourism and Investment workshop for Braidwood and Villages.
  • Reverse Brief for a carpark study, flood mitigation and wetland landscape concept plan in Mogo.
  • Held the Batemans Bay Local Aboriginal Land Council Cultural Burning Conference to bring together key agencies and land councils. 
  • Geographic information system workshop for the Walbunja Rangers delivered by Arup to digitally map and plan for future burns.

Expanding on the success of this program in New South Wales, we are now turning our attention to the East Gippsland region of Victoria to determine where our business support would be most beneficial. The community of East Gippsland was heavily impacted by the 2020 fires and continues to endure the ongoing effects of the disaster.

The Program was jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments through the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF)

Roadshow Video Recap

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PO Box 514
Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012
+61 412 827 133
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