As we head into the end of the year, we invariably start thinking about who our tribe is - our family that we're born to, the family we create, the networks and people that have become our tribe...
Who do you turn to in times of need and celebration? Who are your community?
The term "neighbourhood" feels very different from what I remember from my childhood. An increasingly digital world means we are more connected than ever-- yet somehow, we sometimes lose touch with our immediate community.
Those around us in our neighborhoods will be the people we turn to in times of emergency. A severe weather event can cut off power, telecommunications and access. We will need those around us.
How do we strengthen these ties?
The academics might call this "social capital" or "cohesion", but we call it something easier to remember - small sparks.
Saying hello to a neighbour and talking about the shared garden. Small spark.
Asking your favourite barista's name. Small spark.
Volunteering at a local event. Small spark.
Visiting your local library and chatting about the latest community event. Small spark.
Connecting to a club in your area. Small spark.
You get the idea.
Small sparks can ignite stronger bonds when the time comes.
You might need to step up for your community in an emergency, and these connections you've made will become crucial.
I think that’s pretty powerful.
As we all prepare for the end of year holidays, let’s take a moment to pause, and think about who our local support network is within our community.
What small sparks will you put into your day?