Celebrating Samoan Entrepreneurs - Alexander & Emma Flora Ah Tong - C-4-U Technology

The passion Alexander and Emma Flora Ah Tong have for all things digital technology is evident through the energy and time they have invested into improving their shop in Samoa. In 2019, the couple left their jobs to pursue their dream of owning a small business.

This risk paid off as they launched C-4-U Technology, an electronics shop that repair and sell refurbished tech items. Their business is not only about fixing tech, but they also aim to educate, upskill and connect their community to the digital world. Offering upskilling classes to the younger population on digital technology repair - an incredibly valuable and employable skill. The couple work with a large customer base, from local households to government offices, with a passion to make technology accessible for all.

Digital disparity is a reality for many who are left behind as technology evolves, which can create isolation and exclusion in our communities.

In 2024, Alexander and Emma enrolled in the YES GROW, a business skills program offered by the Bank of South Pacific (BSP) Samoa in partnership with Australian Business Volunteers (ABV). The partnership provides BSP banking clients with the opportunity to learn business skills from expert volunteers at ABV.

The program sets businesses up for long-term success with ongoing coaching and mentoring support.

Alexander said “The one-to-one sessions with the business volunteers who facilitated the trainings was a great opportunity for us to ask questions, to enable us to continue improving and moving forward with our business.”

Although the couple are tech-savvy, the program strengthened their business fundamentals like managing costs, keeping good records, and marketing.

Taking part in the BSP ABV Yes Grow program, has enabled Alexander and Emma to understand the requirements of their small business and how to improve their processes. In turn, enabling them to create a space where people of all ages can come together to learn.

C-4-U Technology is now gradually growing, supported by expert volunteers and driven by the passion of Alexander and Emma.

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