As extreme fire danger continues across Victoria today with bushfires in the Grampians burning out of control, we know only too well the very real displacement and devastation that is once again, knocking on people's doors.
Our team at ABV has worked with communities across Victoria and the Eastern seaboard who have long experienced the first-hand impacts of devastating fires and severe natural disasters, from Gippsland north into NSW and beyond.
These communities have faced ravaged natural habitats, the loss of wildlife, people's livelihoods and businesses, homes, memories and whole communities as people and their families are forced to relocate and in many cases, simply start again.
Working alongside Deakin University in our Victoria Resilient Region program last year and forging a community-led disaster resilience model with Monash University's Fire to Flourish program through strong partnerships across the Eastern seaboard, we know just what can be achieved when we come together, build on local connection and put community-led action plans at the heart of our response.
Too often, the value and contribution that community collaboration and innovative solutions can make to improving our resilience and recovery are completely forgotten when the flames are high and the heat is already on. In reality there is far more we can do to get our ducks in a row long before the fire or flood strikes.
Economic modelling with our partner Monash University’s Fire to Flourish program has revealed that for every $1 invested in community-led resilience will save $6 to $15 in future recovery and rebuilding costs. That's homes saved, businesses and livelihoods protected, and families able to withstand the fire and live in place together.
In Australia, like many countries, there continues to be an over-emphasis on post-disaster response over local-community resilience and prevention. As we contend with increasing severe and frequent uncontrolled bushfires, floods, storms and landslides this short-sighted approach is simply unsustainable, and in short, it’s leaving our communities at risk.
At ABV we are incredibly proud of working with partners across the field to unlock the strength and innovation of local communities to mitigate impact and prevent devastation in disaster prone regions. We know that resilience can only be achieved through combined efforts across sectors and the community working together, and will continue to ensure it gets the support and attention it needs now and in the years to come.